• Wed. Jan 10th, 2024


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The science of setting intrisically motivated goals

How much better would life be if only we had more motivation to study for that difficult class, spend more quality time with close friends, or join that swimming class…

Growing distrust in science in a post-pandemic world

As we stand in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, a shadow looms over the landscape of public health: the erosion of trust in science and, by extension, in science-based…

In defence of Stardew Valley

The nights are getting longer, colder, and more dreary as Edinburgh winter looms. In times like these, I need my favourite games to warm me up. Stardew Valley is that…

Social media companies hold power to stop misinformation

“FAKE NEWS” has been shouted louder than almost anything else over the last few years. Coming to the forefront with the wild accusations of Donald Trump, fake news has stayed…

University of Iowa researchers find new way to recycle e-waste

Phones are great fun until you live near the Baogang Steel and Rare Earth complex and its smouldering lake of “toxic sludge”. Rare-earth metals are the key ingredient in all…

Perseverance rover lands safely on Mars: a new decade of exploration

In some rare but welcome positive news, the new rover Perseverance (a.k.a. Percy) safely landed on Mars on February 18 at 20:55 UTC. The rover is equipped with seven cameras…

Nevada legislation could allow billionaires to create local governments

You thought a Biden presidency would mean an end to America’s slow descent into a corporate dystopia? That’s adorable. In his January State of the State Address, governor of Nevada…

Elon Musk: saving our cities from the future

Tesla made a profit for the first time in its chequered twelve-year history. This, by itself, is not surprising. Tech companies will often operate at a loss for years, subsisting…